What are Fan Clubs?
Fan Clubs are a great way to earn extra money and build a loyal following of members who will regularly view your premium chats. Any member can join your Fan Club for an additional fee, so the more fans you have, the more money you’ll make! Members in your Fan Club receive several benefits, including a 10% discount on paid chats (private, nude, and party chat), complimentary access to your recorded shows, and enhanced visibility for their usernames. As an added bonus, you can also enable the option to allow Fan Club members to whisper for free in your chatroom from the broadcaster settings. Encourage anyone in your chatroom to join your fan club!
How to View Your Fan Club Members
- Hover over “My Members” in the navigation bar, then click on “My Fan Club” to go to your Fan Club page where you can see the photos and videos that you have shared with your Fan Club members.
- On the Fan Club page, click the “View Fan Club Members” link to see the list your Fan Club members and the details of your members in your Fan Club (Membership Expiration date, Last Login Date, Amount Spent, etc.).